Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blog maintenance: If anyone is out there...

We're working on reformatting the blog, not because any body is truly out there interested in the self absorbed ramblings on these pages, but because our own vanity has supplanted our humility and judgement. In either case be patient as we go back and tag these articles with the appropriate categories so that the links above actually work.

Min Pin Crime: A Whodunit?

We came home from work early today so that I could pack for a business trip to NYC. I pulled out my essential gentleman's travel survival kit which was still conveniently laying on the floor from my last excursion. The highlight of which is a killer H&M travel bag that is generally ready to go with key items for a quick dash through DC airport security when I need to hit the field. This includes energy snacks. My favorite -- an assortment of tasty trail mixes and Cliff bars. Apparently, High protein foods crucial for every 12lb min-pin.

Friday, October 21, 2011

When it comes to Friends... it's quality, not quantity!

I consider myself very fortunate in that while I don't have a ton of friends, the ones that I have are truly amazing and wonderful and I love them in more ways than I can count. For example...

So you all know by now that our friends Autumn, Kristen and Tia are hosting a baby shower for us in a few weeks. My lovely friend Kristen happens to own her own invitations company (insert shameless plug from yours truly) The Silver Starfish, specializing mainly in custom wedding invitations, save the dates, etc. Well, she did a little something special for us. A big little something special:

Tell me that's not the most amazing baby shower invitation you've ever seen.

Do it. I dare you.

Girlfriend took the sample fabric of the baby bedding we love and turned it into the background for the invitation. I was amazed. I've never hung something on my refrigerator with so much excitement :)

I love my friends <3

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The latest...

We haven't blogged much about my pregnancy up until this point, but I figured I should so it doesn't seem like the stork just dropped her off. So here's the latest on her developments and some observations we've made as parents-to-be...

We are at 26 weeks with 14 to go. So far I can't complain... I've had the occasional headache, swollen feet (from flying for 12 hours), been more tired than usual, and now the back aches are starting, but overall I feel pretty awesome. I haven't had cravings... or well, Hollywood's version of cravings. There has been no pickles and ice cream in this house. I'll jones for the occasional hot fudge sundae and pizza... but that's not something I wouldn't normally eat anyway :)

The little one had her anatomy scan a few weeks ago and everything looks great. All her little bits and bytes are exactly where they should be and everything is growing perfectly. So perfect in fact that doc has moved up her due date from January 30th to January 21st. And apparently she's in the 98th percentile which means she's gonna be a big baby.Yikes.

She also apparently thinks she's ninja. This kid karate chops the hell out of me night and day. And I'm convinced she thinks my bladder is her own personal trampoline. Weeeeeeee! She also likes Ace of Base. Yeah... I saw the sign Ace of Base. Anytime it comes on the 90s station she gets her Euro electronica dance groove on. No kidding.

Babies need alot of crap. I just finished our registry for our upcoming baby shower and I still cannot get over how something so small needs so much shit. And then how are you supposed to tell the difference between it all? What makes one pack 'n play superior to the other? Does the plush whale on the tummy time gym really warrant the $60 price tag? And how can something whose sole purpose is to carry diapers cost me more than a normal handbag? It's wedding planning all over again... they getcha for everything.

My puppies know something's up. Frankie follows me around the house all the time. She pops into the bathroom in the morning like she's checking up on me. Dino hates the nursery. It's a horrible room filled with tons of toys and animals she's not allowed to play with. It gives her anxiety. They both love the belly. I think they think it's the best pillow ever.

Being sick while you're pregnant sucks ass. I had what I'm sure was a mild head cold a few weeks ago, and because I couldn't medicate and just had to let it run its course, it took an entire freaking week. Yeah. A week of chamomile tea with honey and herbal cough drops. Longest. Week. Ever.

If I ever wanted to know what the inside of my belly button looks like, now I know. It's my very own built in turkey thermometer. As soon as that belly button pops, baby must be done!

People are super nice to pregnant women. Or well that's been my experience anyway. Everyone always asks how far along, when are you due, what are you having, oh girls are so much fun... my dry cleaning lady even went so far as to carry out my clothes to the car and pack them in the other day. I'm actually disappointed at the prospect of not being pregnant because I swear people are not usually this nice to me. Plus I got out of building nursery furniture :) And carrying the heavy laundry baskets up two flights of stairs :D Now if I could just manage to get out of ironing we'd be all set.

My husband is pretty much the best guy ever. He makes sure we eat the right things and get all of our vitamins in. He makes sure we're comfortable and happy. He rubs my feet. He built baby's bed. He gets disappointed when he misses a kick. He never complains. Ever. He rubs my belly every night and tells baby he loves her. He always tells me how beautiful I look, and I believe him :) He was pretty much awesome before I got pregnant and I didn't think it was possible for him to get much better than that. He did.

I still can't believe we're actually going to have a baby. After two long years of hypothetical discussions about "her", I can't get over the fact that she's really going to be here in just a few months. Amazing.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Obviously I can't have alcohol. Honestly I don't really miss it... that much. But it's more out of habit that out of alcoholism. I like to have a martini when I'm out with girlfriends. I like to have a glass of wine with dinner. I like Woodchuck during football season and Sam Adams when there's snow on the ground. And I can't deny that every time I've been in Wegmans over the past few weeks, I sigh when I walk by the new pumpkin flavored Chuck.

But then Wegs brought me Fre:

Alcohol removed wine and champagne. And it is glorious. It doesn't taste like grape juice like you would think, but actually tastes like wine. So last night I had a glass with dinner. And tonight I'll have another glass. And then tomorrow I might just have a whole bottle.

Psh. And to think my mother told me I'd have to go nine months without a wine glass in my hand.

Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice

At this point, you've probably read that it took us a while to get pregnant. What you didn't read was that the entire time we had been trying, we both were really hoping that when it did happen it would be a girl. Granted after the first year, we just wanted to have a baby and truly didn't care what we got, but I can't deny that when we got the good news we were both secretly hoping pink and ruffles and bows would be in our future.

Well... it's a girl :)

And boy is she spoiled. Between Lola, Papa, Nana, Grandpa, and Mommy and Daddy's inability to resist anything small and pink with footies, girlfriend has a packed closet.

See? And that was 3 weeks ago. There is now more. Seriously, it's a sickness. I know I need to stop... but it's all just so. damn. cute. :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011


So we recently got back from our Hawaii vacation/babymoon. It really wasn't intended to be a babymoon considering we had booked it months before we got pregnant, but we definitely took the opportunity to enjoy our last (amazing) vacation sans baby.

This was our first vacation just the two of us since our honeymoon 3 1/2 years ago, so we made sure to enjoy it. We spent a full 7 days at our Hilton King's Land vacation property, mostly reading and drinking virgin lava flows (mmmmmm laaaavaaa flooooow) by one of the three saltwater pools. Then when we weren't there we were either exploring the big island, or over at the other Hilton resort, Hilton Waikaloa Village, laying by the pool. We went to dinner, saw the waterfalls, went to a luau, and my favorite - played with dolphins. But most importantly, we just RELAXED. It was fantastic.

Saltwater Pool
Waterfall Pool
Black Sand Beach
Me, Kao & B

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